Friends... where would I be without them? I have learned one thing in this process, I have some pretty darn good friends. Today my girls took me to a "Bon Voyage Lunch" . When I was sitting there I felt so secure and loved. I have been a mess lately with everything that is going on. For those couple hours at lunch today I felt like my old "crazy" self. I know I will be OK, you know why, because I have them. When we were leaving and standing outside the restaurant I was giving my hugs and it hit me. This would not have been possible without them. My husband said to me in the car after he picked me up, you all know Stephane he had to come in and chat with the girls for a bit. He said "you are so lucky to have these women in your life, it is rare to have what you have". He is 100% correct. I am LUCKY to have my FRIENDS!!!
Thanks girls, I love you all !!
In three days I will be on a plane to bring my boy home!!! (of course we have six weeks to wait until he is really home) I am all packed ready to go. Whoever sent me something for their beautiful children over in Kherson. It is all packed and ready to be delivered with a hug. I am praying for all of you to get over there as soon as possible.
Noelle, I ran into Millie & Evelyn and I told them how blessed I was to have my friends that I have. It struck me that if it was not for MOPS I would not have some of the most important people in my life today. If not for you and your love and support I would be in a fetal position curled up on my bed. I see your faith and love for life and I too know someday I will ok. Your courage and strength guides all of us. You are an inspiration! God gives us who we need and you know how much I need you. He may have taken my sister far too soon to be with him but I thank Him every day for the friends he has given me who are sisters to me in my heart.