Today we had a "farewell" Party for Kiril. This is the norm for when a child is being adopted. Each child got up and said something to Kiril. It was very touching. How sad these kids must be, knowing that Kiril found a forever family and is heading to America. I felt so guilty listening to their comments to him. All in all it was a nice gathering for everyone. We are now home and he is helping Zhanna prepare dinner. I have to take a mental note of this one for the future. LOL
I am still sick if you can believe it. I never had a bad cold last this long. At least not fever. If I don't stop coughing my lungs up I will loose my mind!!!!!!!!
Kiril is doing very well he gets a little antsy here. He is used to running around like crazy with so many kids all the time and Niki is the calmest kid I ever met. Today was not sad for Kiril because he knows that he is going back to the orphanage before we leave. His last day will be very HARD for him. He is a very emotional boy. Just like his Papa!!!
Last night we went to visit the shrine of Saint Matrona. It was only here for a few nights in Kherson. This was a very big deal for the Ukrainians. Every night when we drove by, the line to get into this church was unbelievable!!! Hours people waited. I really wanted to go visit this shrine. The last night of her appearance was last night so Zhanna said lets go see how long the line is. It was only about a 1/2 hour. I was excited to get in there. So Kiril and I went up together and we both prayed to her. Than we layed our foreheads on the shrine. It was so special to be there together. (me and Kiril) Than we lit our candle and left. When we were leaving the huge gates were closed with a guard outside of them and people were screaming at the guards to let them in. It was craziness. One man climbed this huge rod iron fence to get over to the other side to get into this shrine. I feel very lucky.
Tomorrow is the day that I should now how long this passport is going to take. Of course its a holiday in America that means the Embassy in Kiev will be closed. I think that will have a bearing on me tomorrow. Of course my luck.
Another positive thing that has happen to me since I have been in Ukraine is I lost 10 pounds.
Well that's my weekend in a nut shell.
Kiril on his first car ride being free from the orphanage |
On our way to get the bus to Burger World |
Oksana and her boyfriend |
These sleds are everywhere. All the parents pull their kids around on them everywhere they go. |
Oksana and Kiril on their "date" to Burger World. |
One of the teachers |
They are full |
Pack of dogs that I feed |
The big one staring at the camera is MEAN. He is in charge of this pack. |
This is a house here in Kherson. |
This is their gate to get into their house. This is not a normal house here. |
The man who owns this house is a BIG judge in Kherson.
Kiril's Farewell Party |
One by one they got up and said something to Kiril |
These are his two Caretakers |
Then one in the white is the head caretaker, Tatiana |
Take care everyone and keep the prayers coming for tomorrow.
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