Thursday, February 23, 2012

Terrific Thursday

Why is it Terrific?  This is my last day in Ukraine. I am outta of here bright and early in the morning, flight leaves at 5:30am.
So lets start on a positive note, because that has been very hard for me to do lately. Yesterday Kiril had a very good day. I think it helps that another American family that I got to know from the orphanage are staying right across the hall in our apartment building. The Seifert Family adopted a boy name Oleg from Kherson as well. They have really been on the same timeline as I have been. Sandy Seifert is wonderful, its helps that she is a doctor and I have been pretty sick here. She gave me some things to hopefully get me back on track. The boy they are adopting is a really super kid, great sense of humor. Anyway Kiril is happy again because there is someone for him to play with and speaks his language. Lets see what happens when we go our separate ways at the airport in Germany. We both fly out tomorrow morning, than they go their way and we head to Philly.  My fingers are crossed for no issues, PLEASE!!!
When we boarded the train to head to Kiev, Kiril was a mess he had a major meltdown. I felt so BAD for him. Everyone was staring at our cabin because Kiril and Zhanna were in it. Kiril was screaming and holding on to Zhanna for dear life "Please don't make me go with her, I want to stay in Ukraine with you. Please, Please I don't want to go to America. Don't make me go!!! If you all recall when we brought Kiril to the Newark airport this was the same thing but I was Zhanna. He was screaming and crying "Don't make me go back there to Ukraine I hate it. I love you please you don't do it to me. I want to be here with you and Papa. Bring me home!!!" The security guy had to come because they needed to get him on board the plane was leaving and he would not let go of me. Well I just got a complete repeat of that but this time he didn't want Zhanna to leave him and was saying he didn't want to go with me. Also the Train conductor had to force Niki and Zhanna off the train because we had to leave. Kiril cried for about 15 minutes than we were playing Uno. UGH???
He finally fell asleep and I layed there and started to feel very sick. When I tell you its about at least 90 degrees in the cabins there is no air and you can't control the temp at all, its CRAZY HOT!!! I started to get motion sickness and it hit hard. I was up all night sick. Finally we arrived in Kiev and Alex came to pick us up, Thank God so he could help with my bags because by this point I was as white as a ghost and everything was spinning. I got in his car and we headed to our apartment which was not ready, just what I wanted to hear. I just needed a bed until everything stop spinning, but than I found out that there was no time for a bed we had to be at the Embassy at 10am so I had to go to the Seifert's apartment until we had to leave for the embassy. I had about 25 minutes to pull myself together to go to have my meeting at the Embassy. NIGHTMARE!!!
Everything went well at the Embassy, I thought it was going to be a very big deal there. It was nothing. She stamped some papers and said go pay, story of my life here. Than we were done have to go back today and pick up papers and Visa at 2pm. After the Embassy we went to get Kiril's medical exam that was pretty quick too. Not a very intense screening. "He is in good fine shape" I was told by the Doctor. Ok than, we will be on our way. Sandy and Oleg and her daughter Theresa were also with us. They needed to do Xrays on Oleg so we all waited and than we went to Domino;'s Pizza for lunch. By this time I was able to eat a slice of Pizza. We came back to the apartment and Kiril played with Oleg and Thersea the whole time. We all ate a big gourmet dinner, "Ramen Noodles" about 5 packs that was our feast. By this time my stomach was not in good shape again. I really believe my stomach issues are all stress related. I went to bed at 9pm. Kiril was not happy that I made him leave Oleg but he did not put up the usual fuss. I was very happy about that. I got him all tucked in he watched TV until he fell asleep.
Today we go to the Embassy at 2pm and that's it!!!! Done!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a wrap!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We will probably leave the apartment about 3:30am for the airport. Flight leaves at 5:30am. I can not begin to tell you the feeling that I have knowing I am going to see my family in one day. Especially Jaclyn. I cannot wait to hold her in my arms, I need to feel her little body wrapped around me again. I long for that feeling. I also never thought I would say this but it will feel so good to feel Stephane a strong man scoop me up inside because I have felt so weak. And to see my Mom and Dad they are the two people that as soon as I saw them on Skype everyday my eyes instantly filled with tears. I still feel like a small child when I see them and oh how much I needed my Mom and Dad on this journey. Mom you are and always have been my best friend. I love you sooo much. I don't know how I would have made it thru this without you. Thank God for Skype and Mom's.
See you all very soon !!!!

Kiril on the train with me coming to kiev

Oleg, Kiril and Theresa at the medical exam building. They make you put these booties over your shoes when you come in. 

Our apartment in Kiev

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Heading to Kiev

The time has finally come that I leave Kherson. I am so thrilled to be on the very last leg of this journey. It has not been easy at all!!!!
Yesterday should have been a joyous occasion. It was a very rough day. We were sitting in the car, first let me tell you we were in the car from 9:30am until 7pm, Zhanna was our taxi again! Sorry back to my story. Me and Zhanna and Kiril were in the car waiting for Tanya who was out of the car getting things in the passport office. I have first tell you something since day one that I have been here with Stephane and Jaclyn Kiril has jokingly said he doesn't want to come to America. He has said this many times in different ways.  So we are sitting in the car and Kiril says to Zhanna. "I am sorry but I am not joking this time, I do not want to be adopted and I want to stay in the orphanage . No America for me" . When  I saw Zhanna's face drop and turn white I knew something was very wrong. Zhanna translated to me the best that she could. When Tanya got back in to the car I told her and she started into Kiril. I sat in disbelief.  Everything stopped and we had to go the adoption inspector's office. They wanted to speak to Kiril alone than we all had a meeting. It seems that Kiril is very scared and he is afraid to leave his friends who are like his family. I completely understand this, I don't know if I would be brave enough to leave my country either. I have to also tell you Kiril is very distant towards me much more than he was this past summer. I don't know if that is also fear. Only God knows. God also knows that I am scared to death to bring this boy into my family and everything spirals out of control.
This is not what I pictured in my mind when I was sitting home waiting for this day to arrive. My picture was so much more loving and monumental than this.
The end result is that we got his passport and things will move forward as planned. I will hope for the best.
Some of you are probably in disbelief that I am blogging this. This is what a blog is for me to express my feelings. That is exactly what I am doing.
Maybe when WE come home things will get better. I pray this on my knees everyday!!!!

We leave at 7:30 tonight on the train and arrive in the morning at Kiev. Will be in Kiev until we fly out 5:30am Friday morning. I can't wait to see my FAMILY!!!
God bless

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kiril's "Farewell" Party

Today we had a "farewell" Party for Kiril. This is the norm for when a child is being adopted. Each child got up and said something to Kiril. It was very touching. How sad these kids must be, knowing that Kiril found a forever family and is heading to America. I felt so guilty listening to their comments to him.  All in all it was a nice gathering for everyone. We are now home and he is helping Zhanna prepare dinner. I have to take a mental note of this one for the future. LOL
I am still sick if you can believe it. I never had a bad cold last this long. At least not fever. If I don't stop coughing my lungs up I will loose my mind!!!!!!!!
Kiril is doing very well he gets a little antsy here. He is used to running around like crazy with so many kids all the time and Niki is the calmest kid I ever met. Today was not sad for Kiril because he knows that he is going back to the orphanage before we leave. His last day will be very HARD for him. He is a very emotional boy. Just like his Papa!!!
Last night we went to visit the shrine of Saint Matrona. It was only here for a few nights in Kherson. This was a very big deal for the Ukrainians. Every night when we drove by, the line to get into this church was unbelievable!!! Hours people waited. I really wanted to go visit this shrine. The last night of her appearance was last night so Zhanna said lets go see how long the line is. It was only about a 1/2 hour. I was excited to get in there. So Kiril and I went up together and we both prayed to her. Than we layed our foreheads on the shrine. It was so special to be there together. (me and Kiril) Than we lit our candle and left. When we were leaving the huge gates were closed with a guard outside of them and people were screaming at the guards to let them in. It was craziness. One man climbed this huge rod iron fence to get over to the other side to get into this shrine. I feel very lucky.
Tomorrow is the day that I should now how long this passport is going to take. Of course its a holiday in America that means the Embassy in Kiev will be closed. I think that will have a bearing on me tomorrow. Of course my luck.
Another positive thing that has happen to me since I have been in Ukraine is I lost 10 pounds.
Well that's my weekend in a nut shell.

Kiril on his first car ride being free from the orphanage 

On our way to get the bus to Burger World

Oksana and her boyfriend

These sleds are everywhere. All the parents pull their kids around on them everywhere they go.

Oksana and Kiril on their "date" to Burger World.

One of the teachers

They are full

Pack of dogs that I feed

The big one staring at the camera is MEAN. He is in charge of this pack.

This is a house here in Kherson.

This is their gate to get into their house. This is not a normal house here.

The man who owns this house is a BIG judge in Kherson.

Kiril's Farewell Party

One by one they got up and said something to Kiril

These are his two Caretakers

Then one in the white is the head caretaker, Tatiana

Take care everyone and keep the prayers coming for tomorrow.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Kiril is finally out of the orphanage forever. It was so nice to wake up and he was here this morning. Of course he can't wait to go back today. Him and Oksana won the sweetheart Valentines challenge and today is there lunch at "Burger Land."
Yesterday and Tanya (adoption worker) and Zhanna (driver) and I ran around all day doing paperwork. I was pretty upset yesterday because when we went to apply for Kiril's passport the only woman who can possibly do it quickly is sick. I thought I would be on a train to Kiev Monday. I thought wrong. I won't know until Monday when I will get the passport now. : (  I know some people are thinking things could be worse, I have to tell all those people in my heart it's pretty bad. When I lay down at night I cry myself to sleep because how much I miss my daughter. So to me its pretty bad!!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!

Jaclyn I love you and miss you baby!!! xoxoox

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Sorry I have not blogged in a couple days. Yesterday I did not go to the orphanage I was running a fever and just feeling lousy. Today I went and had a great visit with Kiril and the kids. Kiril is so excited . He Google translated to me " I can't wait to be in America" He really said "I can't wait to eat in America" than he realized what he said and we all laughed. I gave more gifts to the kids they are going to miss all the little goodies I bring. I can't imagine how Kiril is feeling inside to leave his friends. I know he is excited but I imagine down deep he is a little sad to say good-bye. I know I am. I love these boys and I hope they all find good Mama's and Papa's to love on them.

Today arrived 5 boxes from Las Vegas, thank you to my best childhood friend, Missy for sending all that great stuff.  I could not believe how you fit all that in those boxes.The kids will be thrilled. You are pretty amazing!!!

Tomorrow is a BIG day, we have a lot of paperwork to complete and I pray that everything goes as planned. Tonight is Kiril's last night to ever sleep in an orphanage bed. Thank you Jesus!! Kiril will be able to stay with me until the process is over. Which I hope is VERY SOON!!! Its been snowing since 3PM here so I hope that does not stand in the way tomorrow. My biggest hope is that we get the passport started tomorrow so I can head to Kiev by Monday the latest and do that leg of the adoption work there.

Keep us in your prayers for everything to go smooth tomorrow, PLEASE!!!

I love you Stephane and Jaclyn!!!!  I can't wait to have you both in my arms again.xoxoox

Goodnight from Kherson, Ukraine

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The main port here in Kherson


Some people come here and go in the water in the moring for good health. I think they should be put away. LOL

Chapel dedicated to all the past Seaman

This building is the court 

Niki's cousin who is in school here to be a Seaman